I'm staying at my parents house in Fruita for my sister's baby shower and my best friend's bridal shower. I decided that since I'm somewhat closer to the San Juans and I successfully passed all of my engineering classes last semester (yay!) I should celebrate by doing my first 14er summit of 2016. So Friday night Anna Marie Migl, Joel Kuenning and Lars drove from Denver to meet me to do Handies Peak.
But let me rewind a little bit... I drive a Ford Edge and although I love it, I'm considering trading it in for a truck. I've been driving my mom's F150 around to get the feel for a larger vehicle and I backed into a City of Fruita truck on Wednesday evening. From this experience I found out that I only had my expired drivers license with me. The following day, I went to the DMV to get a new license where I discovered Apple Maps was a complete failure and only got part of the address right. I drove around in circles looking for the DMV before I Googled the address (it's missing the 6th avenue part. Minor detail.) Apple Maps also can't spell and spelled the name of my sister's baby shower address wrong. Needless to say- this week I've decided Apple maps is NO BUENO.

What does this have to do with Handies peak? Well it has everything to do with Handies peak. When it came time to look up directions to Handies peak, I put the coordinates in both apple maps and in Google Maps, and clearly Google Maps is much more trustworthy. It also had the faster time by an hour and 30 minutes. Using Google Maps I drove to Silverton by 8:30 PM to discover the pass leading to Handies Peak was closed for the winter. Oops (rookie move... and Apple Maps was right) After talking with Anna I pulled a U-turn in Silterton and headed back to Montrose. Apparently I was speeding.... and 2 police officers decided to pull me over, search my car and give me a whopping ticket. But hey... at least I had a drivers license now!

After my long self reflective drive I finally got to Gunnison where the crew was kindly waiting on me. Those are some good people right there. We got to the trailhead around 2 :30 AM and pulled up to the most beautiful moose standing majestically under a full moon in a white bed of snow. I was in awe as I watched her elegantly trot away. I have not stopped thinking about her since the hike.

I got back down to the car about 9:20 and I had to replay this turn of events. Because I backed into a truck I found out that I didn't have a valid license and made me go to the DMV which taught me not to trust Apple Maps leading me to drive the wrong way to Silverton and also saved me from having to go to court in Silverton by making me get a valid license. This little error caused the entire group to get to the trailhead at 2:30 which allowed us to do a sunrise summit. (I would have arrived at the TH at 9:30 if I used Apple Maps and we probably would not have done a sunrise summit). So moral of the story.... I would have never gotten to see that majestic moose at 2 am if I didn't back into a truck with an expired driver's license. What a successful weekend. I'll be back, Handies Peak.
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