Sunday, July 19, 2015

Maroon Bells traverse 7/16

Thursday morning my good friend Alyss and I headed up to attempt the Maroon Bells at 2am! If it wasn't for running into a friend who is a guide we would have only summited south Maroon Peak, because of the time it takes to find the route on this sketchy traverse. 

As Gerry Roach says, "maroon peak is only 650 yards away as the eagle soars, but you are not an eagle" This weekend we completed one the most exciting lines in Colorado.

Once we got to North Maroon peak I busted out a 10 minute painting before right before the hail/rain and we booked it down as the weather cleared up.

Capitol peak

Friday night we hiked the 7 miles into Capitol lake to set up camp. If you are doing Capitol make sure you remember you bear canisters! Rangers are back there checking. 

We left camp around 5 am and chose not to do the class 4 ridge and to cross the snowfield instead. 

I definitely took my sweet time on knives edge.

Started the painting at 9:20 

The only women on Capitol that day!! 

And then it hailed followed by walking through 7 miles of wet cow manure 

There she is- the lovely and fierce Capitol Peak! 

To see more Check out my website at

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Culebra Peak, 14,047'

Culebra peak is my first 14er in the Sangre de Cristo range and is the only private 14er that costs money to summit! It is a non refundable $150, and four hours from Denver, so with that being said... 

My two friends and I battled through the poor conditions to make the most of our money. Culebra does not have a maintained path and with poor visibility I was glad that the summit was relatively easy to find.

hands shaking I painted what I saw.... Tara and the rocks! 
I spent 13 minutes painting and the paint would not dry from the moisture so I wrapped it up and we booked it down! 

On our way down there was finally a small window in the clouds and we got to see what looked like Ireland

A few things we learned were 

- don't open the gate and enter the property even if the gate is unlocked 

- make sure you are there at 6 am 

- the people at Cielo Vista Ranch are very hard to get ahold of 

- if you weren't able to make a reservation (like me because they were all sold out) it might be a good idea to show up with cash, a smile, and a filled out and signed waver. 

I really hope I get to do this mountain again because it was quite beautiful, I think 😁

Happy climbing!